About PishRobot

Hushmand Afzar Robotics


Robots would be an essential part of future life.

PishRobot with 18 years of experience in Control, Industrial Automation and Robotics, established a new division, called PishRobot, to provide robot kits, parts and platforms to schools, universities and robot fans. PishRobot also educates Robotics, STEAM concepts and Coding in schools and educational centers for ages starting from 5 to adults and university level.


PishRobot Honors

شرکت خلاق پیشروبات

PishRobot is qualified as a
Creative Company
by Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

کمیته آموزش و پژوهش انجمن رباتیک ایران

PishRobot a member of
Research & Education Committee; Student Section
of The Robotics Society of Iran (RSI)

کنفرانس بین المللی رباتیک و مکاترونیک

PishRobot a member of
Students' Committee of ICROM
(International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics)

کمیته ارتباط با صنعت انجمن رباتیک ایران

PishRobot a member of
Industrial Relations Committee
of The Robotics Society of Iran (RSI)

About us

PishRobot a member of
Toy Association
of Iran

مسابقات جهانی استیم کاپ

PishRobot is an Official Judge of
Online Challenge

سازمان جهانی استیم کاپ

PishRobot is an Official Partner of
in Iran

About us

PishRobot is the Official Organizer of
Competitions in Iran


PishRobot's robotic activities follows:

Educating Robotics, STEAM concepts and Coding in Schools and Educational Centers
Manufacturing Robot Kits, Parts and Platforms
Distributing Robotic Products from Best Reliable Manufacturers of the World
Offering Industrial Robot Arms and COBOTs
Offering products to Robotic Workshops of universities and schools
Offering products to Robotic Teams of universities and schools
Designing, Consulting and Implementing Robotic Projects
Consulting for Robotic Competitions like STEAMCUP, FIRACUP and Robocup
The most Advanced Company in Iran offering and educating Humanoid Robots
Education Program of PishRobot starts from Pre-School and continues to University Level. Basic and STEM Concepts starts with Outstanding Educational Products of ROBOTIS IDEAS , ROBOTIS OLLO , ROBOTIS DREAM and KAIROBOT . These programs are designed by Korean educational experts and by helps of Iranian educational experts have been adapted to Iranian Educational system.
Right now a lot of schools and educational centers in major cities of Iran as well as nearby countries like Afghanistan and Iraq are covered by PishRobot's educational system and related supports.

PishRobot also is a partner of well known Robotic Companies like ROBOTIS , HOKUYO , SOFTBANK ROBOTICS , ROBOARD , ROBOBUILDER and DEVANTECH and is honoed to have a big share of Iranian Robotic market.